Jan 9, 11:36 PM
"meh" is the word that comes to mind.

Apr 8, 07:40 AM
Tempest ok for .99

Mar 5, 06:10 AM
Are you in the UK or US?

Dec 25, 08:44 AM
Got the wife her iPad...
And a incipio silcrylic case to match the iPhone one she loves.
She got me....
$25 Dollar iBooks card
My awesome Apple iWatch:D:D ok it's a nano but I'll prolly never use it for that
and my Twelve south leather sticker thingy to match the cover I have
She also got be a bunch of cool stuff for my GTI too. OEM Bluetooth radio form the Canadian market cars and a dead pedal to match my TT pedals I already have. A crap load of funny geek t-shirts etc etc etc.
All in all for not doing Christmas for the last 10 years we kinda went a little nuts this year.
And a incipio silcrylic case to match the iPhone one she loves.
She got me....
$25 Dollar iBooks card
My awesome Apple iWatch:D:D ok it's a nano but I'll prolly never use it for that
and my Twelve south leather sticker thingy to match the cover I have
She also got be a bunch of cool stuff for my GTI too. OEM Bluetooth radio form the Canadian market cars and a dead pedal to match my TT pedals I already have. A crap load of funny geek t-shirts etc etc etc.
All in all for not doing Christmas for the last 10 years we kinda went a little nuts this year.

Laird Knox
Apr 6, 03:34 PM
Mine was 10MB ... and people told me I was wasting money since a second floppy drive (5 1/4) would be more than enough (one to boot the OS, one for the data).
Hehe, I once partitioned a 20MB drive into 24 partitions but that was for testing purposes.
I also bought a 100MB drive for $1100 and a 32MB SIMM for the same price. Sometimes I cry when I think back. ;)
Hehe, I once partitioned a 20MB drive into 24 partitions but that was for testing purposes.
I also bought a 100MB drive for $1100 and a 32MB SIMM for the same price. Sometimes I cry when I think back. ;)

skyline r34
Oct 9, 10:40 PM
Here's mine

Apr 11, 05:52 PM
Thanks! Oops,thought I did. I'll move it

Oct 3, 10:14 AM
Yet another Notes hater here.
I first came across it at work in 1992 or so, back with version 2. We used it for our customer support and sales databases, and the company were still using it in 1999 when I finally left them. By then they were also developing a web-server product based on the current Notes webserver component, and re-launched the company around this product, floating the company to obtain extra venture capital. It was quite frankly the worst performing web server I'd ever seen, and the company folded when the money ran out.
As part of supporting this junk product I had to pass a Notes exam. For that I learnt how Notes mail handled multiple copies of the same large attachment within multiple mailboxes. I forget the full details, but there was a nightly process that ran through the mail database and consolidated such attachments. It was a horrible mechanism. The previous mail system I came from handled this in a far simpler way by simply using hard links.
A collegue once ran the then current Notes release under the debug version of Windows 3.1, and had never seen so many reported errors in code.
I'd also had to integrate Notes (version 4 I believe) into another E-mail sytem via a gateway at a customer. Configuring SMTP to an external source under Notes was a pain, and it took 3 'engineers' about 4 hours to try all of the combinations before we could get it to both send and receive mail.
I've come across Notes a few times since then. Still horrible.
I just don't understand all these Notes haters and their anectodal stories.. I'm not trying to flame or argue... but only have a reasonable discussion..
You had a bad experience in 1999... Since version 5 came out in early 1999 you were likely on version 4.x. Notes has come a LONG way since then. This is like hating OSX because you had a bad experience with OS7 or System7 or whatever it was called. The webserver in those days was basically the FIRST version of it in the product. It was probably the internotes component.. you're right it probably wasn't very good back then.. The whole internet thing was jsut really taking off back then...
I haven't done much with shared mail which is what you're referencing regarding the attachments but again in the EARLY days it was something that people on notes.net said was not perfected.. Again it's a lot better now..
Notes is NOT going to cure cancer.. similar to Visual Basic it get's a bad rap because it's a RAPID APPLICATION development system. It's also easy to learn. Many Notes developers started out with no prior programming experience. As such not all notes apps in the early days were written very well. But do you know what's cool? All of those applications will still RUN on the latest version. There's no microsoft rip and replace business here. But is that really an advantage? I think so but maybe I'm wrong. Maybe companies really like to re-write existing applications because they will no longer work because Microsoft want's to do something "different"..
I first came across it at work in 1992 or so, back with version 2. We used it for our customer support and sales databases, and the company were still using it in 1999 when I finally left them. By then they were also developing a web-server product based on the current Notes webserver component, and re-launched the company around this product, floating the company to obtain extra venture capital. It was quite frankly the worst performing web server I'd ever seen, and the company folded when the money ran out.
As part of supporting this junk product I had to pass a Notes exam. For that I learnt how Notes mail handled multiple copies of the same large attachment within multiple mailboxes. I forget the full details, but there was a nightly process that ran through the mail database and consolidated such attachments. It was a horrible mechanism. The previous mail system I came from handled this in a far simpler way by simply using hard links.
A collegue once ran the then current Notes release under the debug version of Windows 3.1, and had never seen so many reported errors in code.
I'd also had to integrate Notes (version 4 I believe) into another E-mail sytem via a gateway at a customer. Configuring SMTP to an external source under Notes was a pain, and it took 3 'engineers' about 4 hours to try all of the combinations before we could get it to both send and receive mail.
I've come across Notes a few times since then. Still horrible.
I just don't understand all these Notes haters and their anectodal stories.. I'm not trying to flame or argue... but only have a reasonable discussion..
You had a bad experience in 1999... Since version 5 came out in early 1999 you were likely on version 4.x. Notes has come a LONG way since then. This is like hating OSX because you had a bad experience with OS7 or System7 or whatever it was called. The webserver in those days was basically the FIRST version of it in the product. It was probably the internotes component.. you're right it probably wasn't very good back then.. The whole internet thing was jsut really taking off back then...
I haven't done much with shared mail which is what you're referencing regarding the attachments but again in the EARLY days it was something that people on notes.net said was not perfected.. Again it's a lot better now..
Notes is NOT going to cure cancer.. similar to Visual Basic it get's a bad rap because it's a RAPID APPLICATION development system. It's also easy to learn. Many Notes developers started out with no prior programming experience. As such not all notes apps in the early days were written very well. But do you know what's cool? All of those applications will still RUN on the latest version. There's no microsoft rip and replace business here. But is that really an advantage? I think so but maybe I'm wrong. Maybe companies really like to re-write existing applications because they will no longer work because Microsoft want's to do something "different"..

Dec 28, 04:50 PM
yep, they are now for me too... looks like they have updated some xmas mac essentials or something... anywasy, doesnt look too interesting, my bad...

mad jew
Dec 14, 10:06 PM
Try resetting core audio by opening then closing Garageband as a start. :)

Apr 29, 12:25 AM
3-5 years in the future, before either side's claims get to trial, FT, IBJ, and WSJ will be reporting on an out-of-court settlement with undisclosed terms.
This is exactly what will probably happen. Other than that, it's just a big dick-waving contest.
This is exactly what will probably happen. Other than that, it's just a big dick-waving contest.

May 6, 01:19 PM
You are welcome to expend the effort to discover the back story. If you choose not to, go ahead keep spouting misinformation and jingoism, but be prepared to be called on it or to simply be ignored as lacking credibility.
since he feels you've failed to support your point, it's perfectly reasonable for him to point it out
since he feels you've failed to support your point, it's perfectly reasonable for him to point it out

Apr 13, 09:49 PM
Just changed mine to this :)
Those are some angry lookin' birds...
Those are some angry lookin' birds...

Mar 3, 07:53 AM
Try telling the boomers that their ss contributions weren't for them but for their now deceased parents to live off of and that there is nothing left for them. Not a vote winner. Healthcare reform is the only way. Other nations achieve much better results in both healthcare and education with less money. Unfortunately there is also a lot of debt to be paid back which will be expensive when rates rise. More pain to come. Raise taxes and cut spending.
According to data on your first chart I'd say that corporate income tax revenues need to increase dramatically. Corporate income taxes only represent 9%(191 billion) of revenue yet individual income tax represents 41% (899 billion). Combine that with all the bailouts the government handed out to the banks and some corporations and I'm guessing the net rate might be close to 0%.
I'm not saying individual taxpayers won't have to sacrifice in order to solve the problem, but I'm not sure why there are those that argue that no matter how many tax breaks corporations get or even government bailouts---that's its always the individual who has to pay.
It's a policy based on greed straight from the richest people and companies in this country.
Higher taxes result in more revenue and increases in economic activity and job creation.
I say we raise taxes, make them more progressive and at the same time, look at government spending and make reasonable and smart decisions about what and where to cut. Step one is to make sure everyone at that table can pass the one question test. "Where was the President born." Anyone who fails that test should be fired, but at a minimum, barred from participation in any meaningful discussions.
It's amazing just how few (3 so far that I can count) SERIOUS and thoughtful replies to this thread there have been. It almost seems that without personal attacks or social distress we have nothing to talk about... even when faced with the amazingly detrimental economic situation described in the OP. Truly fascinating. Seems more true to me than ever that most on the left either A) fail to recognize the depth and seriousness of the problem at hand, B) don't care or aren't willing to make the necessary cuts to maintain economic sanity, C) are too busy playing petty politics (the blame game) worrying about who caused the problem instead of who's going to fix it. It seems that unless the threads directly pit right vs. left, no one cares enough to engage intellectually and make progress towards a solution. Anyway, thanks to the posters above who actually contributed... I may not agree with your suggestions, but at least your in the arena.
According to data on your first chart I'd say that corporate income tax revenues need to increase dramatically. Corporate income taxes only represent 9%(191 billion) of revenue yet individual income tax represents 41% (899 billion). Combine that with all the bailouts the government handed out to the banks and some corporations and I'm guessing the net rate might be close to 0%.
I'm not saying individual taxpayers won't have to sacrifice in order to solve the problem, but I'm not sure why there are those that argue that no matter how many tax breaks corporations get or even government bailouts---that's its always the individual who has to pay.
It's a policy based on greed straight from the richest people and companies in this country.
Higher taxes result in more revenue and increases in economic activity and job creation.
I say we raise taxes, make them more progressive and at the same time, look at government spending and make reasonable and smart decisions about what and where to cut. Step one is to make sure everyone at that table can pass the one question test. "Where was the President born." Anyone who fails that test should be fired, but at a minimum, barred from participation in any meaningful discussions.
It's amazing just how few (3 so far that I can count) SERIOUS and thoughtful replies to this thread there have been. It almost seems that without personal attacks or social distress we have nothing to talk about... even when faced with the amazingly detrimental economic situation described in the OP. Truly fascinating. Seems more true to me than ever that most on the left either A) fail to recognize the depth and seriousness of the problem at hand, B) don't care or aren't willing to make the necessary cuts to maintain economic sanity, C) are too busy playing petty politics (the blame game) worrying about who caused the problem instead of who's going to fix it. It seems that unless the threads directly pit right vs. left, no one cares enough to engage intellectually and make progress towards a solution. Anyway, thanks to the posters above who actually contributed... I may not agree with your suggestions, but at least your in the arena.

Sep 6, 09:17 AM
where can i get this.. do u have the original?
where can i get this.. do u have the original?

Feb 13, 09:22 PM
I have a PS3 I could get doing this if it would even be worth it?
every little bit helps! i have my PS3 folding when i'm not using it. fire it up! :cool:
every little bit helps! i have my PS3 folding when i'm not using it. fire it up! :cool:

Apr 6, 12:37 PM
That's only 1,258,291.2 gigabytes ... If each customer gets, say, 500 megabytes allocated, that's enough for 2,516,582 customers.
Don't know where you get that strange number from.
12 Petabytes = exactly 12 million gigabytes. That would be 500 megabytes for each of 24 million customers.
Don't know where you get that strange number from.
12 Petabytes = exactly 12 million gigabytes. That would be 500 megabytes for each of 24 million customers.

Nov 20, 11:40 AM
http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)
Appleinsider reports (http://www.appleinsider.com/article.php?id=2251) on a research note by analyst Shaw Wu about a possible second version of the iPhone from Apple.
This second version would incoporate Apple's iChat software and may be dubbed "iChat mobile". According to Wu, Instant Messaging (rather than email) would be the focus of the device.
According to recent reports (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/11/20061115090741.shtml), one version of the iPhone has already been contracted out with target delivery in early 2007. This first version of the iPhone was described as a candy-bar form factor (artist rendition (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060913215342.shtml)).
Previous predictions of Shaw Wu are reviewed in our Guide pages (http://guides.macrumors.com/Shaw_Wu_%28Analyst%29).
Appleinsider reports (http://www.appleinsider.com/article.php?id=2251) on a research note by analyst Shaw Wu about a possible second version of the iPhone from Apple.
This second version would incoporate Apple's iChat software and may be dubbed "iChat mobile". According to Wu, Instant Messaging (rather than email) would be the focus of the device.
According to recent reports (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/11/20061115090741.shtml), one version of the iPhone has already been contracted out with target delivery in early 2007. This first version of the iPhone was described as a candy-bar form factor (artist rendition (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060913215342.shtml)).
Previous predictions of Shaw Wu are reviewed in our Guide pages (http://guides.macrumors.com/Shaw_Wu_%28Analyst%29).

May 4, 12:58 PM
At least the one iFixit took apart had Z68 chipset.
Apr 6, 12:21 PM
Beats my 24 TB NAS :(
Mar 26, 09:26 PM
completely the opposite.
1. title doesn't state picture.
2. listed under the wrong category
buyer wins.
Wrong category? Have you ever purchased or listed anything on eBay that was in the wrong category? I know I have. Does that deserve jail time?
There have been many time that I have purchased items on eBay as well that were described incorrectly. Now granted, when I have purchased these items, it was to my advantage or of no consequence. But I only knew that by reading and understanding the item description in the first place.
Don't get me wrong...I am not saying the buyer should have to pay. Just going through the experience and realizing how foolish he was should be enough to teach MOST people a lesson like that. I posted to respond to the fanatic that thinks that the seller should go to jail. He did nothing illegal. What he did was immoral, and morality is subjective.
1. title doesn't state picture.
2. listed under the wrong category
buyer wins.
Wrong category? Have you ever purchased or listed anything on eBay that was in the wrong category? I know I have. Does that deserve jail time?
There have been many time that I have purchased items on eBay as well that were described incorrectly. Now granted, when I have purchased these items, it was to my advantage or of no consequence. But I only knew that by reading and understanding the item description in the first place.
Don't get me wrong...I am not saying the buyer should have to pay. Just going through the experience and realizing how foolish he was should be enough to teach MOST people a lesson like that. I posted to respond to the fanatic that thinks that the seller should go to jail. He did nothing illegal. What he did was immoral, and morality is subjective.
Apr 24, 04:03 PM
Datsun 240z:
What the heck is that? Cheap 1968 Mustang Fastback mockup? :confused:
What the heck is that? Cheap 1968 Mustang Fastback mockup? :confused:
Oct 2, 10:24 PM
Here is my desktop this month!
Aug 8, 10:05 PM
nice shot! what equipment were you using?
Thanks. Nikon D60 with the 70-300mm lens.
Thanks. Nikon D60 with the 70-300mm lens.
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