Mar 26, 08:43 AM
First off congrats on your new purchase!
On to your questions..
Can I use a Sata drive run from a PCI Sata controller card as the boot drive?
Yes you can. I am booted from a SATA drive on a PCI card as I type this. For your needs I recommend the 4 channel PCI SATA card FirmTek sells.
Will the power supply be up to running 6 hard drives inside? (4 in standard locations and one in each 5.25 bay)
Yes. The Dual 867 has a 400 Watt PSU and can easily handle 6 drives. All modern drives consume around 12-15 Watts so even 6 would only be around 75-90 Watts. Unless you want to use more than one SATA PCI card you will have to make 2 of the drives PATA.
Are there any perennial issues with this model I should look out for?
The MDD is the most troublesome G4 tower but keep in mind the repair/recall on these was only for about 6% of them which is very good compared to G5 towers that range from 11-32% of systems needing repair. I have owned 2 MDD in the past and based on that and other research I have done the Dual 867MHz is the most rock solid of them all. The MDD's main issues were fan noise and some of the PSU's die after just a few years. There are a few guides around though on how to rig a standard 24 pin ATX PSU to power an MDD.
Considering it's about 8 years old now and still running you definitely have a good one.
I want to give it a good going over before I get it up and running. I was going to clean and reapply Arctic silver to the CPU/heatsink interface, upgrade to 2Gb RAM, replace the rather noisy fan with a higher CFM quieter version and anything else you guys can recommend

thank you letter after

thank you letter after

thank you letter after

Additional sample thank-you

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thank you letter after

thank you letter after

thank you letter after

sample thank you letter after

thank you letter after

thank you letter after

thank you letter after

job thank you letter sample.

thank you letter after

thank you letter samples
On to your questions..
Can I use a Sata drive run from a PCI Sata controller card as the boot drive?
Yes you can. I am booted from a SATA drive on a PCI card as I type this. For your needs I recommend the 4 channel PCI SATA card FirmTek sells.
Will the power supply be up to running 6 hard drives inside? (4 in standard locations and one in each 5.25 bay)
Yes. The Dual 867 has a 400 Watt PSU and can easily handle 6 drives. All modern drives consume around 12-15 Watts so even 6 would only be around 75-90 Watts. Unless you want to use more than one SATA PCI card you will have to make 2 of the drives PATA.
Are there any perennial issues with this model I should look out for?
The MDD is the most troublesome G4 tower but keep in mind the repair/recall on these was only for about 6% of them which is very good compared to G5 towers that range from 11-32% of systems needing repair. I have owned 2 MDD in the past and based on that and other research I have done the Dual 867MHz is the most rock solid of them all. The MDD's main issues were fan noise and some of the PSU's die after just a few years. There are a few guides around though on how to rig a standard 24 pin ATX PSU to power an MDD.
Considering it's about 8 years old now and still running you definitely have a good one.
I want to give it a good going over before I get it up and running. I was going to clean and reapply Arctic silver to the CPU/heatsink interface, upgrade to 2Gb RAM, replace the rather noisy fan with a higher CFM quieter version and anything else you guys can recommend

Dec 24, 10:21 PM
I got some money from my parents.

Mar 31, 01:07 PM
Maybe I'm the only one that thinks this, but, while it's a cool demo, I'd probably never use this. The iPad would have to reach at least the amount of control and sensitivity of a Cintiq to make this useful. So it's cool that Adobe is working on it, and maybe with future revs of hardware, the iPad will get to that point (I really hope it does). But it all still seems like finger painting to me until you have control with some sort of drawing utensil. The funny thing is, Steve Jobs - the man who spouts and gushes over creating tools by artists for artists, and - is the one man leading the fight against any sort of stylus for use with the iDevices. While I agree with him on use throughout the iOS interface, all artists are NOT created equal. I've seen fantastic work by some of the guys using their fingers with those paint programs, but I'd say for the majority of artists out there, the real key is going to be getting a stylus that works properly in a drawing or painting app on the iOS.
At the studio I work at, the day the iPad was announced, there were about 40 people that were willing to blow up to $1k on the iPad had it come out with some sort of stylus support - not for interface, but for drawing. These are people that use Cintiqs day in and day out. When the price point of $499 was announced their jaws dropped in unison. SOLD! But when no stylus was announced and when Jobs said "If you are using a stylus, you are doing it wrong", there was a collective sigh and gnashing of teeth. Not a single person purchased one.
So while it was a cool demo, it's still a hard sell to people who do this stuff all day, everyday for a living. Let's see a real stylus for artwork from Apple that is meant to work with the touchscreen on iOS and let's see it blow everything else away!
Until then, maybe this is the best we can hope for.
The Cosmonaut (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/danprovost/the-cosmonaut-a-wide-grip-stylus-for-touch-screens)
I agree with most of what you're saying... but I think it's adobe's goal to push the most creative software on whatever they can. It's Apple's goal to provide the best experience for most people. Way more people are interested in using an iPad without a stylus - why sacrifice all those people for the minority of artists.
You want to draw, grab a wacom and mac.
At the studio I work at, the day the iPad was announced, there were about 40 people that were willing to blow up to $1k on the iPad had it come out with some sort of stylus support - not for interface, but for drawing. These are people that use Cintiqs day in and day out. When the price point of $499 was announced their jaws dropped in unison. SOLD! But when no stylus was announced and when Jobs said "If you are using a stylus, you are doing it wrong", there was a collective sigh and gnashing of teeth. Not a single person purchased one.
So while it was a cool demo, it's still a hard sell to people who do this stuff all day, everyday for a living. Let's see a real stylus for artwork from Apple that is meant to work with the touchscreen on iOS and let's see it blow everything else away!
Until then, maybe this is the best we can hope for.
The Cosmonaut (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/danprovost/the-cosmonaut-a-wide-grip-stylus-for-touch-screens)
I agree with most of what you're saying... but I think it's adobe's goal to push the most creative software on whatever they can. It's Apple's goal to provide the best experience for most people. Way more people are interested in using an iPad without a stylus - why sacrifice all those people for the minority of artists.
You want to draw, grab a wacom and mac.

Apr 7, 09:10 AM
Another patch so soon? Doesn't seem like Apple at all.

Chupa Chupa
Apr 7, 01:37 PM
Dang! I can't tell you how many billions of dollars I spent on these games as a yout. Ha. Now I could have them all for $15. But too late I guess. I downloaded Tempest for old times sake. It was my fav in the arcade. I don't know if its my age or the iPhone but just not that fun.

Oct 3, 09:43 PM
To recap all the comments above...
Pretty muc everyone who actually had to *use* Notes for work hates it.
The only people who seem to be praising it are the ones who are paid to maintain it. Notice how the Notes fanbois refer to it as a "product", "platform", "solution", etc - and yet provide not a single example where the features of the client itself would make the user more happy and productive.
Yes, I said the word: User!
It's the users that matter most.
And Notes client makes any user miserable.
It is slow, it uses non-standard interface elements, and it has a really steep learning curve (even for the 'engineer' types). I am not a big fan of Outlook, but even Outlook is light years ahead of Notes.
As for the Domino server itself... That thing is just as bad as the client.
Its raison d'etre seems to be simplification of development process.
And it might have made (some limited) sense in 1995.
Not anymore.
Everything, and I mean everything, that you can do with Domino, you can do with Ruby, PHP/MySQL/PostgreSQL, WebObjects, or Java.
You can do it in less time, using highly visual dev environments. You can also easily collaborate on the development process, and systematically create concise documentation. The finished product will run fast and solid, and it won't depend on proprietary (terrible) client software. You will just need a web browser.
Domino, on the other hand, is pure garbage. I remember working in a 20 person company back in '00 where we had a Domino server running on a dual 500MHz PIII server with 2 gigs of RAM - very expensive at the time. It was very hard on the poor machine. It was choking. And the only three things the server was used for were email, very basic scheduling, and a billable hour tracking app. Not that that server is any speed demon by modern standards... But a non-Domino system having the same functionality would not have created any measurable load on the server at all with only 20 users. Did I also mention the server was less than stable? And I still remember how SP6 for NT completely brought the damn thing down... Ouch.
Pretty muc everyone who actually had to *use* Notes for work hates it.
The only people who seem to be praising it are the ones who are paid to maintain it. Notice how the Notes fanbois refer to it as a "product", "platform", "solution", etc - and yet provide not a single example where the features of the client itself would make the user more happy and productive.
Yes, I said the word: User!
It's the users that matter most.
And Notes client makes any user miserable.
It is slow, it uses non-standard interface elements, and it has a really steep learning curve (even for the 'engineer' types). I am not a big fan of Outlook, but even Outlook is light years ahead of Notes.
As for the Domino server itself... That thing is just as bad as the client.
Its raison d'etre seems to be simplification of development process.
And it might have made (some limited) sense in 1995.
Not anymore.
Everything, and I mean everything, that you can do with Domino, you can do with Ruby, PHP/MySQL/PostgreSQL, WebObjects, or Java.
You can do it in less time, using highly visual dev environments. You can also easily collaborate on the development process, and systematically create concise documentation. The finished product will run fast and solid, and it won't depend on proprietary (terrible) client software. You will just need a web browser.
Domino, on the other hand, is pure garbage. I remember working in a 20 person company back in '00 where we had a Domino server running on a dual 500MHz PIII server with 2 gigs of RAM - very expensive at the time. It was very hard on the poor machine. It was choking. And the only three things the server was used for were email, very basic scheduling, and a billable hour tracking app. Not that that server is any speed demon by modern standards... But a non-Domino system having the same functionality would not have created any measurable load on the server at all with only 20 users. Did I also mention the server was less than stable? And I still remember how SP6 for NT completely brought the damn thing down... Ouch.

Jul 12, 09:55 AM
we're witnessing a major paradigm shift in the music industry, to the likes of when television switched from BW to Color.
we're witnessing a major paradigm shift in the music industry, to the likes of when television switched from BW to Color.

Oct 22, 04:10 PM
At the risk of sounding rude, this is exactly the type of thinking that makes those of us who make our living as designers squirm in our chairs. The concept of a user being able to resize elements that we have sized for a particular reason is awful. Yes, of couse there are many poorly designed webpages out there, but that doesn't mean users should have the ability to alter the appearance and layout of any page they want. If a page is designed poorly, write to the webmaster and let him/her know why you think it's poor and how they might fix it. Toying with people's designs is opening a terrible can of worms. Let qualified, educated designers build web pages, and let users view them and critique them if necessary, but don't blur the line. We've all seen what happens when you allow that line to blur (ahem... MySpace!)

Nov 24, 10:04 PM
I'm certain TJ MAXX ran this by their legal team...
If they are willing to sell the product at a $100 loss, that's their choice.
But it's not a $100 loss because tjmaxx is buying them for LESS than $499 to begin with from their distributor. So maybe they only lose $65 or $75 per iPad. As most have mentioned here the goal is to get people into the stores. I'm sure tjmax only bought a few per store so there will always be the "sorry we sold out" line and the customer will just hang around and buy something.
Even if tjmax did buy them at full price and lost $100 so what? Do the math if they lost $100 per iPad and bought 300 ipads....that's $30k for a killer ad campaign. And if you've ever been to their stores you will notice they never stock more than like 5 quantity of 90% of their items. Do you really think they are going to have hundreds of ipads per store? No way....more like 10-20 at best.
If they are willing to sell the product at a $100 loss, that's their choice.
But it's not a $100 loss because tjmaxx is buying them for LESS than $499 to begin with from their distributor. So maybe they only lose $65 or $75 per iPad. As most have mentioned here the goal is to get people into the stores. I'm sure tjmax only bought a few per store so there will always be the "sorry we sold out" line and the customer will just hang around and buy something.
Even if tjmax did buy them at full price and lost $100 so what? Do the math if they lost $100 per iPad and bought 300 ipads....that's $30k for a killer ad campaign. And if you've ever been to their stores you will notice they never stock more than like 5 quantity of 90% of their items. Do you really think they are going to have hundreds of ipads per store? No way....more like 10-20 at best.

Oct 23, 05:20 AM
Love it although i have never found her attractive in the slightest.
I must agree, and that screen capture doesn't do much to help either...
I must agree, and that screen capture doesn't do much to help either...

Apr 14, 05:07 PM
LaCie and Promise.
LaCie and Promise.

Apr 27, 05:26 PM
Also for fun - try enabling password for the screensaver and 60 minute idle logout. Then put your laptop to sleep and come back 60 min later only to have hung login window that accepts no input - works that way every time for me.
Good thing the screensaver password dialog is the login window itself (even the same exact process) in Lion then, huh?
Good thing the screensaver password dialog is the login window itself (even the same exact process) in Lion then, huh?

Doctor Q
Feb 12, 02:20 PM
Effective immediately, we have four new MacRumors moderators:bousozoku, who joined MacRumors in June 2002 and lives in Florida
edesignuk, who joined MacRumors in March 2002 and lives in Essex, U.K.
Nermal, who joined MacRumors in December 2002 and lives in Whakatane, New Zealand
WinterMute, who joined MacRumors in January 2003 and lives in London, U.K.
They have accepted this new responsibility in order to help make MacRumors the best site it can be.
bousozoku, Nermal, and WinterMute are now Moderators. Doctor Q has moved from Forum Moderator to Moderator, and edesignuk has moved into a new position known as a "mini-mod", to deal with misdirected or problemsome threads and posts in the forums.
All four new moderators have proven to be excellent forum members, providing help to other members, sharing their experience, and being of service to the MacRumors community. In addition, we are pleased that their addition expands our time zone range.
Please join us in welcoming our new moderators!
edesignuk, who joined MacRumors in March 2002 and lives in Essex, U.K.
Nermal, who joined MacRumors in December 2002 and lives in Whakatane, New Zealand
WinterMute, who joined MacRumors in January 2003 and lives in London, U.K.
They have accepted this new responsibility in order to help make MacRumors the best site it can be.
bousozoku, Nermal, and WinterMute are now Moderators. Doctor Q has moved from Forum Moderator to Moderator, and edesignuk has moved into a new position known as a "mini-mod", to deal with misdirected or problemsome threads and posts in the forums.
All four new moderators have proven to be excellent forum members, providing help to other members, sharing their experience, and being of service to the MacRumors community. In addition, we are pleased that their addition expands our time zone range.
Please join us in welcoming our new moderators!

Apr 16, 06:32 PM
Sorry if this has already been covered but I did search and didn't come up with anything..
I just bought a 360 and I'd like to set it up to stream my movies/media/etc. but on the xbox it says I need a media center PC.. is there a way to do it with my PowerMac?
I just bought a 360 and I'd like to set it up to stream my movies/media/etc. but on the xbox it says I need a media center PC.. is there a way to do it with my PowerMac?

Sep 2, 01:37 PM
Just changed mine!

Jan 2, 12:23 AM
Alright thanks a ton guys will fold for a long long time.
And you're set up to fold for team 3446 right?
And you're set up to fold for team 3446 right?

Oct 9, 10:50 AM

Feb 9, 03:08 PM
seems like you have an older calling plan and presumably no smart phone?? If this is the case, you may qualify. Not so sure it is that low cost with people with smart phones.
Wow ... yeah, lack of sleep. I've had an iPhone for the last few years. Make that:
450 minute plan: $40
Unlimited Text: $20
Total: $60 ;)
I was leaving out the data plan on purpose, but wasn't clear. So, hey ... I'll end up saving more money than I thought.
Now, the caveat with this: my FAN discount works on the voice & data plan, but NOT on the messaging ... which means I'll likely lose that part of it, BUT I still end up saving money overall, so I think I'm okay with that.
seems like you have an older calling plan and presumably no smart phone?? If this is the case, you may qualify. Not so sure it is that low cost with people with smart phones.
Wow ... yeah, lack of sleep. I've had an iPhone for the last few years. Make that:
450 minute plan: $40
Unlimited Text: $20
Total: $60 ;)
I was leaving out the data plan on purpose, but wasn't clear. So, hey ... I'll end up saving more money than I thought.
Now, the caveat with this: my FAN discount works on the voice & data plan, but NOT on the messaging ... which means I'll likely lose that part of it, BUT I still end up saving money overall, so I think I'm okay with that.

May 5, 12:26 PM
I am past the 14 day return window but I have only had my MBP for roughly a month now. I am noticing a dead pixel on the screen. Will Apple fix that or does Apple require a minimum amount of dead pixels to fix?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks in advance.
Oct 9, 08:55 PM
Its a nice app, but way overrated.
Oct 2, 08:41 PM
A WHAT? .exe "scripts" are Windows executable programs, not available for use on the Macintosh operating system (and also have nothing to do with web design and development)
Maybe you can be more clear in what you are looking for also :confused: What do you mean "chance to [your] own wishes"?
Maybe you can be more clear in what you are looking for also :confused: What do you mean "chance to [your] own wishes"?
Mar 26, 10:33 PM
If the buyer is reading this forum, if you make a claim through eBay saying that the item isn't what you thought you were purchasing, and then the buyer claims that it is because in the description he said it was a photo, you can actually one-up him. In the title he claims it's a VERIZON iPhone, but that picture is clearly AT&T!!!!
Whoever won (unfortunately) this auction, if eBay gives you a hard time about getting your money back and you have no options left try saying that you got the wrong item because you wanted a picture of a Verizon iPhone!
Whoever won (unfortunately) this auction, if eBay gives you a hard time about getting your money back and you have no options left try saying that you got the wrong item because you wanted a picture of a Verizon iPhone!
Apr 10, 07:12 PM
Got a link?
Got a link?
Oct 31, 09:26 AM
Apple Labels it as the iPod shuffle 1G 2nd Gen, so I think this should be the term used. Also, my order status shows my shuffle is now scheduled for delivery by Nov 2.
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